Kuan Yin Attunements 1-7 - Reiki Sound Attunements
Kuan Yin Attunements 1-7 With Special Sound Healing Attunement Audio
Kuan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion.
These beautiful energies originally came from Ole Gabrielsen and have since been re-channeled by Jens Söeborg. As he writes: "the energy gives you a deep connection to the loving and compassionate heart of Kuan Yin as well in her abilities of magnified healing."
These attunements support your spiritual growth while enhancing healing abilities.
A specially produced sound healing audio (with 2 variations) has been provided for you to use to activate the 7 attunements. You will also receive a brief 4-page PDF manual. All 7 attunements can be received at once or separately at the pacing of your choosing. Using the sound healing attunement, you can reattune yourself at any time.
You will receive the Reiki manual, an original sound healing attunement audio and two alternate versions (nature and white noise), plus instructions. The audios come in both MP3 and FLAC, and everything is zipped up in a ZIP file so you can save the package in your archive.